Monday, February 13, 2017

Interview with Pat Sloan!

Today I will be a guest on Pat Sloan's "Quilting Radio". I can hardly believe it! I have been preparing for the last week or so. Pat gave me a questionnaire to fill out to basically get the conversation going. I hope I am not too nervous! One of the subjects we will be discussing is my new book, which was released July 2016. It has 12 patterns, and each pattern uses a precut bundle of fabric, and NO ADDITIONAL fabric is needed. I just love the idea of making a whole quilt and the only thing you have pick out is a jelly roll or layer cake! It doesn't get any easier than that. Plus it is great for those older precuts you might have in your closet...since coordinating yardage might be difficult to find. You can scroll down to a prior blog post to find more info on my book.

So meanwhile, tune into Pat's show! It is a podcast, so you can listen to older shows all day long if you want:) magazines-more/quilting- podcast

Head over to my Etsy Shop and check out my books and patterns!